Definitive list of Services available in the AKASHA SDK.
The AppSettings service is useful in managing the configuration and lifecycle of installed apps in a world. It provides methods for retrieving, installing, uninstalling, and updating the settings of applications. It interacts with a database to store and retrieve app-related data and uses a logger for logging events. It also integrates with an event bus for event-driven communication.
@inject(TYPES.Log) log: Logging, @inject(TYPES.Db) db: DB, @inject(TYPES.EventBus) globalChannel: EventBus, )
log (Logging)
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.db (DB)
: The database instance for interacting with app configuration data.globalChannel (EventBus)
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events.
Fetches the configuration object for a specific app based on its name. It will throw an error if the app does not exist in the database or if there is an issue with the database query.
get(appName: IntegrationName): Promise<any>
appName (IntegrationName)
: The name of the app whose configuration is being retrieved.
Returns: A promise that resolves to the formatted configuration object for the specified app.
Fetches the configurations for all installed apps.
getAll(): Promise<any>
Returns: A promise that resolves to an array of formatted configuration objects for all installed apps.
Installs a new app or updates the version of an existing app in the system. It will throw an error if the app installation or update fails.
install(release: { appName: string; releaseId: string; version: string; source: string; applicationType: AkashaAppApplicationType; termsAccepted?: boolean; }): Promise<void>
release (object)
: Contains information about the app being installed or updated. The object includes:appName (string)
: The name of the app.releaseId (string)
: The release identifier of the app.version (string)
: The version of the app being installed.source (string)
: The source from which the app was installed.applicationType (AkashaAppApplicationType)
: The type of the application.termsAccepted (boolean, optional)
: A flag indicating whether the user has accepted the terms. Defaults to false if not provided.
Returns: A promise that resolves when the app has been successfully installed or updated.
Uninstalls an app by name. It will throw an error if the app does not exist or if the uninstallation process fails
uninstall(appName: IntegrationName): Promise<void>
appName (IntegrationName)
: The name of the app to be uninstalled.
Returns: A promise that resolves when the app has been successfully uninstalled.
The Ceramic service handles interaction with the Ceramic network. This includes connecting to Ceramic resources and managing Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) sessions. Just like with other services and APIs, it integrates with various injected dependencies from other services, such as a database, Web3 provider, event bus, logger, settings etc.
@inject(TYPES.Db) db: DB,
@inject(TYPES.Web3) web3: Web3Connector,
@inject(TYPES.EventBus) globalChannel: EventBus,
@inject(TYPES.Log) log: Logging,
@inject(TYPES.Settings) settings: Settings,
@inject(TYPES.Config) config: AWF_Config,
db (DB)
: A database to manage data storage and retrieval.web3 (Web3Connector)
: An instance of Web3Connector used to interact with the Web3 provider.globalChannel (EventBus)
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events.log (Logging)
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.settings (Settings)
: Application settings used to configure various services and options.config (AWF_Config)
: Configuration object that provides additional configuration values such as endpoint URLs.
Retrieves the current Ethereum address from the Web3 provider and creates an AccountId object using the Ethereum address and chain ID. If no Ethereum address is connected, it throws an error.
async getAccountID(): Promise<AccountId>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to an AccountId
Authenticates the user using their Ethereum account, creates a DIDSession object, and sets it on the ComposeClient instance. It uses the Web3 provider to fetch the Ethereum address and chain ID, then establishes a session that lasts for one week. If no address or Web3 provider is found, it throws an error.
async connect(): Promise<DIDSession>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to a DIDSession
Authenticates the user with the provided private key, creates a new DID object using the Ed25519 provider
, and sets the DID on the ComposeClient
instance. It ensures the private key is properly validated through the validate
async connectWithKey(key: string): Promise<DID>
key (string)
: A64-character hexadecimal
private key used to authenticate the user.
Returns: A Promise that resolves to a DID object.
Returns the ComposeClient
instance associated with the current session, allowing the user to interact with Ceramic resources.
getComposeClient(): ComposeClient
Returns: The ComposeClient instance.
Checks if a DID session exists for the current Ethereum account ID by querying the session storage.
async hasSession(): Promise<boolean>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether a DID session exists for the current Ethereum account.
Generates a hash from the concatenated list of resources and returns the hash along with the resources.
async geResourcesHash(): Promise<{ hash: string, resources: string[] }>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to an object containing:
: ASHA256 hash
of the concatenated resources.resources
: An array of resources currently associated with the ComposeClient.
Sets the new Ceramic endpoint URL and disconnects the current session, resetting the connection to the new endpoint.
async setCeramicEndpoint(endPoint: string): Promise<void>
endPoint (string)
: The new Ceramic API endpoint URL to set.
Returns: A Promise that resolves to void.
Returns the configuration options, including the Ceramic API endpoint URL.
getOptions(): { endpointURL: string }
Returns: An object with the endpoint URL for Ceramic.
Disconnects the current DID session by removing the session associated with the current account and resetting the ComposeClient. If there is an active DID session, it will be cleared, and a new ComposeClient will be initialized with the current endpoint URL.
async disconnect(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to void.
The DB service is useful in managing a local database instance. It provides methods for creating and retrieving a database instance, accessing collections, and ensuring that the database is open before performing any operations. The database instance is encapsulated in a DbWrapper
The constructor initializes the class with two properties: _dbName
, which stores the name of the database, and _db
, which will hold an instance of the DbWrapper. Initially, _db
is set to undefined, and the _dbName
is set to an empty string.
Creates a new DbWrapper
instance, which represents the local database. It also assigns the name parameter to the _dbName
property. This method is used to initialize the database before it can be used. The validate decorator
ensures that the name parameter is a string.
create(name: string): DbWrapper
name (string)
: The name of the database to be created.
Returns: An instance of DbWrapper
after initializing it with the provided name.
Returns the current database instance after calling the private method _ensureDbOpened
to verify that the database has been opened. If the database is not yet opened, it will throw an error indicating that the database needs to be created first.
async getDb(): Promise<DbWrapper>
Returns: A Promise that resolves to an instance of DbWrapper
Provides access to specific collections within the database. If the database has not been created, it may return undefined values for the collections.
getCollections(): { installedExtensions?: any, settings?: any }
Returns: An object containing installedExtensions
and settings
collections from the _db
The GraphQL service is in charge of managing Apollo GraphQL requests and mutations sent from the client. Besides generating an Apollo client instance, it also acts as a middle man that, depending on the context source, will route the GraphQL operation to either the federated GraphQL or the Ceramic node for processing. It also manages cache resets, viewer identification, and mutation notifications.
public constructor(
@inject(TYPES.Log) log: Logging,
@inject(TYPES.Ceramic) ceramic: CeramicService,
@inject(TYPES.EventBus) globalChannel: EventBus,
@inject(TYPES.Config) config: AWF_Config,
log (Logging)
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.ceramic (CeramicService)
: The service for managing interactions with the Ceramic network.globalChannel (EventBus)
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events.config (AWF_Config)
: A configuration service used to retrieve application configuration options.
queryClient (type: ApolloClient)
: Provides access to the Apollo client, which can be used to send queries and mutations to the GraphQL API. Returns the Apollo client instancethis.apolloClient
. -
contextSources (type: { default: symbol; composeDB: symbol })
: Provides context source symbols for operations within the GraphQL API. Returns the_contextSources
object, which contains symbols for different context sources (default and composeDB). -
labelTypes (type: LabelTypes)
: Provides access to the available label types (used for specific operations within the API). Returns theLabelTypes
object. -
indexingDID (type: string)
: Provides the DID used for indexing purposes. Returns the indexing DID from the configurationthis._config.getOption('indexing_did')
. -
mutationNotificationConfig (type: Object)
: Provides configuration for mutation notifications. Returns an object with a notification option nameEmitNotification
. -
client (type: Sdk)
: Provides access to the SDK used for interacting with the GraphQL API. Returns the client instancethis._client
Sends a GraphQL operation (query or mutation) to the Apollo client and handles errors. For mutations, it generates a UUID, publishes mutation notifications via the global event bus, stores errors in sessionStorage, and throws errors if present. For queries, it simply sends the request and returns the result data. It also handles the context headers by including the viewerID if available.
public requester = async <R, V>(
doc: DocumentNode | string,
vars?: V,
options?: Record<string, any>,
): Promise<R>
doc (DocumentNode | string)
: The GraphQL query or mutation document. It can either be a string (which will be converted to a DocumentNode) or an already parsed DocumentNode.vars (V | undefined)
: Optional variables to be passed with the query or mutation.options (Record<string, any> | undefined)
: Optional context or headers for the request.
Returns: A Promise that resolves to the result data of the GraphQL operation.
Resets the Apollo client cache by calling this._apolloCache.reset()
async resetCache(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves once the cache has been reset.
Sets the viewerID and resets the Apollo client cache by calling this.resetCache()
async setContextViewerID(id: string): Promise<void>
id (string)
: The viewer's ID to be set.
Returns: A Promise that resolves once the viewer ID is set.
Retrieves the mutation notification from sessionStorage using the provided uuid
, removes the notification from sessionStorage, and returns the parsed data. If parsing fails, it logs a warning and returns undefined
consumeMutationNotificationObject(uuid: string): any
uuid (string)
: The UUID of the mutation notification to be consumed.
Returns: The parsed notification object (or undefined
if the object could not be found or parsed).
The IPFS service facilitates interactions with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) via the Web3 Storage API. It handles file upload and retrieval, and the construction of IPFS-related links. It uses a client w3upClient
to interact with IPFS storage, leveraging Ceramic as a decentralized storage solution for the session management.
@inject(TYPES.Log) log: Logging,
@inject(TYPES.Ceramic) ceramic: CeramicService,
@inject(TYPES.Config) config: AWF_Config,
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.ceramic
: The service for managing interactions with the Ceramic network..config
: Configuration options for various settings like IPFS gateway URLs.
Returns the current settings for the IPFS gateways.
getSettings(): { pathGateway: string, originGateway: string, fallbackGateway: string }
Returns: An object containing
: stringoriginGateway
: string,fallbackGateway
: string
Uploads a file to IPFS using the w3upClient. If the client does not exist, it is created. It checks if a storage space exists for the client and retrieves a storage proof if needed. Once the space is set, the file is uploaded.
async uploadFile(file: Blob): Promise<string>
: The Blob object representing the file to be uploaded.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with the IPFS CID (Content Identifier)
of the uploaded file.
Retrieves the content of a document from IPFS by its CID or URL. It fetches the document and either returns the response as a plain text or a JSON object based on the jsonResponse
async catDocument<T>(docHash: string | CID, jsonResponse?: boolean): Promise<T>
: The IPFS CID or URL of the document.jsonResponse (optional)
: A boolean flag to specify whether the response should be parsed as JSON.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with the document content in either text or JSON format.
Fetches a predefined legal document (terms of use, privacy policy etc). The document's IPFS CID is retrieved from a source and then fetched using catDocument
async getLegalDoc(doc: LEGAL_DOCS): Promise<never>
: A value specifying which legal document to retrieve.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with the legal document's content.
Validates a CID or IPFS URL. It parses the CID and checks whether the input is a valid CID or a URL.
async validateCid(hash: string | CID): Promise<{ cid: CID } | { link: string }>
: A string (IPFS URL or CID) to be validated.
Returns: A Promise that returns either a cid or a link depending on the input type.
Constructs an IPFS link to the original resource (using the IPFS origin gateway).
async buildOriginLink(hash: string | CID): Promise<string>
- hash: The IPFS CID or URL.
Returns: A Promise that returns the constructed IPFS origin link.
Constructs a fallback IPFS link for a resource, in case the origin gateway is unavailable.
async buildFallBackLink(hash: string | CID): Promise<string>
: The IPFS CID or URL.
Returns: A Promise that returns the constructed fallback IPFS link.
Constructs an IPFS path link for a resource, utilizing the path gateway.
async buildPathLink(hash: string | CID): Promise<string>
: The IPFS CID or URL.
Returns: A Promise that returns the constructed IPFS path link.
Constructs all three types of IPFS links (origin, fallback, and path) for a given hash.
async buildIpfsLinks(hash: string | CID): Promise<{ originLink: string, fallbackLink: string, pathLink: string }>
: The IPFS CID or URL.
Returns: A Promise that returns an object containing the three types of IPFS links.
Transforms a base16 encoded hash to a V1 CID.
async transformBase16HashToV1(hash: string): Promise<CID>
: A string representing the base16 encoded hash.
Returns: A Promise that returns the transformed V1 CID.
Converts various address formats to their corresponding URI. It supports /ipfs/
paths, ipfs://
links, multi-addresses, and standard URLs.
async addrToUri(addr: string): Promise<string>
: A string representing an address.
Returns: A Promise that returns the URI corresponding to the address.
Converts a list of multi-addresses to URIs. It can process both a single address and an array of addresses.
async multiAddrToUri(addrList: string | string[]): Promise<string[] | string>
: A single address or an array of addresses to convert.
Returns: A Promise that returns either a single URI or an array of URIs, depending on the input.
The Lit service utilizes Lit Protocol for secure encryption and decryption of data using Ethereum-based wallets. It provides methods to connect to the Lit Node, create sessions for cryptographic operations, and encrypt/decrypt text data with access control conditions. It uses Web3 for wallet integration and works with Ethereum network addresses.
@inject(TYPES.Db) db: DB,
@inject(TYPES.Web3) web3: Web3Connector,
@inject(TYPES.EventBus) globalChannel: EventBus,
@inject(TYPES.Log) log: Logging,
@inject(TYPES.Settings) settings: Settings,
@inject(TYPES.Gql) gql: Gql,
: The database service for storing and retrieving data.web3
: An instance of Web3Connector used to interact with the Web3 provider.globalChannel
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events.log
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.settings
: Configuration settings to be used.gql
: The GraphQL service for querying and mutating data.
Establishes a connection to the Lit Node client
. If the client is not already initialized, it creates a new instance of LitNodeClient
with the specified network and debug settings.
async connect(): Promise<void>
: A Promise that resolves once the connection to the Lit Node client
is successfully established.
Creates a new cryptographic session by obtaining session signatures from the Lit Node client
. The session will be valid for 24 hours, and a callback authNeededCallback
is used to authenticate the session request via Ethereum wallet signatures. It will throw an error if the Lit Node client
or the waller is not connected.
async createSession(): Promise<SessionSigsMap | undefined>
Returns: A Promise that resolves with the session signatures or undefined
if the session creation fails.
Encrypts a provided plain text string using Lit Protocol's encryption mechanisms. The text is encrypted based on access control conditions tied to the Ethereum address of the user. It throws an error if the Lit Node client
or no Ethereum address is connected.
async encryptText(text: string): Promise<{ ciphertext: string, dataToEncryptHash: string }>
: The plain text string to be encrypted.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with an object containing:
: The encrypted text.dataToEncryptHash
: A hash of the data to be encrypted.
Decrypts a previously encrypted text string. The decryption process is based on the session signatures and access control conditions tied to the Ethereum address of the user.
async decryptText(ciphertext: string, dataToEncryptHash: string): Promise<{ data: string }>
: The encrypted text that needs to be decrypted.dataToEncryptHash
: The hash of the data that was originally encrypted.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with the decrypted data (plain text).
Disconnects from the Lit Node client
and clears the client instance litNodeClient
async disconnect(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves once the disconnection is complete.
The Logging service is responsible for configuring and managing logging functionality using the pino logging library
. It provides a method to create child loggers that can be used in different modules or namespaces, facilitating better organization and filtering of log messages based on namespaces. The logger’s level is configurable via the AWF_Config
service, allowing flexibility in logging verbosity.
constructor(@inject(TYPES.Config) config: AWF_Config)
: An instance ofAWF_Config
that provides configuration options for the logger, specifically thelog_level
. Thelog_level
determines the verbosity of logs (e.g., info, debug, error, etc.).
Creates a child logger instance from the main logger _appLogger
. The child logger can have its own logging messages associated with a specific namespace or module. This helps in categorizing logs for different parts of the application, making it easier to filter or search logs by module. The level of the logger is configured based on the log_level
provided in the AWF_Config
create(nameSpace?: string): ILogger
nameSpace (optional)
: A string representing the namespace or module name. This is used to create a child logger that can be associated with a specific part of the application. The namespace can be any valid string (e.g., auth, db, api). If not provided, the logger is created without a namespace.
: A child logger instance created using the main _appLogger. This logger inherits the configuration of the main logger and can be used for logging messages in a specific module or part of the application. The level of the logger is inherited from the main logger, and the logger will have the module field set to the provided namespace.
The Misc service provides various utility functions related to API status, DID resolution, and account information retrieval. This class allows interaction with APIs, resolving decentralized identifiers (DIDs), and parsing account-related information based on serialized identifiers.
constructor(config: AWF_Config)
config (AWF_Config)
: A configuration object that provides access to various configuration options like theapi_status_path
The Notification service provides functionality to manage and interact with notifications. It supports initializing a notification client, enabling notifications, managing user settings, listening for incoming notifications, and updating notification settings. The service uses the PushProtocol
to send and receive notifications and requires a Web3 provider for initialization.
@inject(TYPES.Log) logFactory: Logging,
@inject(TYPES.EventBus) globalChannel: EventBus,
@inject(TYPES.Config) config: AWF_Config,
@inject(TYPES.Web3) web3: Web3Connector,
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.globalChannel
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events.config
: An instance of AWF_Config that holds configuration settings for the application.web3
: An instance of Web3Connector used to interact with the Web3 provider.
Initializes the push client. If the mode is read-only
, it doesn't prompt the user for a signature. If the mode is writable
, it prompts the user for a signature to enable notifications and interaction with the notifications service.
initialize(options: InitializeOptions = { readonly: true }): Promise<void>
options (optional)
: An object containing the initialization options. The readonly flag (default true) determines whether the client will be initialized in read-only mode or in writable mode.
Returns: A Promise that resolves when the push client is successfully initialized.
Checks if notifications are enabled by verifying whether the push client is in writable mode.
checkIfNotificationsEnabled(): boolean
Returns: A boolean value indicating if notifications are enabled and the push client is in writable mode.
Starts listening to incoming notifications. The service listens to a stream of notifications and displays them as browser notifications if permission is granted. Users can interact with notifications through clicks.
listenToNotificationEvents(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves when the notification stream is successfully initialized and starts listening.
Stops listening to notification events and disconnects the notification stream.
stopListeningToNotificationEvents(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves when the notification stream is successfully stopped.
Disconnects the notification service and sets the _pushClient
to undefined, stopping all related processes.
disconnect(): Promise<void>
Returns: A Promise that resolves when the service is successfully disconnected.
Fetches the settings of the notification channel. This method must be called after initializing the client in read-only mode.
getSettingsOfChannel(): Promise<ChannelSettings[]>
Returns: A Promise that resolves with an array of settings for the notification channel.
Fetches the user-specific settings for the notification channel. It must be called after initializing the client in read-only mode.
getSettingsOfUser(): Promise<UserSettingType[] | null>
Returns: A Promise that resolves with an array of user settings or null if no user settings are available.
Updates the user's notification settings by subscribing to new preferences. The notificationsWriteClient
must be initialized before calling this method.
setSettings(newSettings: UserSetting[]): Promise<boolean>
: An array of user settings to update. The settings must be validated against the channel's available settings.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with true
if the settings were successfully updated, otherwise false
Fetches notifications with pagination and optional filtering (by channel options or app indexes). It retrieves notifications from the PushProtocol service and parses them locally.
getNotifications(page: number = 1, limit: number = 30, channelOptionIndexes: ChannelOptionIndex[] = [], resetLatestSeenState = true): Promise<PushOrgNotification[]>
: The page number of the notifications to fetch (defaults to 1).limit
: The number of notifications to fetch per page (defaults to 30).channelOptionIndexes
: An optional array of channel option indexes to filter notifications.resetLatestSeenState
: If true, the latest notification ID will be updated to track the most recently fetched notification.
Returns: A Promise that resolves with an array of filtered notifications.
Requests the user's permission to display browser notifications. This method must be called in environments that support browser notifications.
enableBrowserNotifications(): Promise<boolean>
Returns: A Promise that resolves with true
if the browser notification permission is granted, otherwise false
Processes a notification to add parsed metadata, and determines if it is unread based on the latest stored notification ID.
parseNotificationData(notification: PushOrgNotification, latestStoredNotificationID: number): PushOrgNotification
: The notification object to parse.latestStoredNotificationID
: The ID of the latest stored notification to check if the current notification is unread.
: The enriched notification object, including parsed metadata and unread status.
Parses the metadata of a notification, extracting the channel index and gracefully handling potential parsing errors.
parseMetaData(metaData: AdditionalMetadata): NotificationParsedMetaData
: The metadata object to parse, which includes type and data fields.
: A structured object containing parsed metadata, including the channelIndex and data.
The Settings service provides methods for interacting with the settings stored in a database. It supports fetching, modifying, and removing settings for various services. It depends on the Db
service to access and manipulate the settings data.
constructor(@inject(TYPES.Db) private _db: DB)
@inject(TYPES.Db) private _db: DB
: The database instance to interact with.
Fetches the settings for a specified service. It will throw an error if the database query fails or the service does not exist.
get(service: string): Promise<any>
service (string)
: The name of the service whose settings are being fetched.
Returns: A promise that resolves to the formatted settings object for the specified service.
Sets or updates the settings for a specified service. It will throw an error if the input parameters are invalid or if there an issue encountered while saving the settings.
set(service: string, options: [[string, string | number | boolean]]): Promise<{ data: string[] }>
service (string)
: The name of the service for which settings are being set.options (Array of tuples)
: An array of option pairs, where each pair contains:- The option name (string).
- The option value, which can be a string, number, or boolean.
Returns: A promise that resolves to an object containing the data array, which holds the result of the save operation.
Removes the settings for the specified service. It will throw an error if the database query fails or the service cannot be found.
remove(serviceName: string): Promise<void>
serviceName (string)
: The name of the service whose settings should be removed.
Returns: A promise that resolves when the settings have been successfully removed.
The Stash service helps in managing cache storage, specifically aimed at UI-related data. The cache is implemented using the QuickLRU
class, which offers a least-recently-used (LRU) caching mechanism, with configurable size limits and expiration times (defaults to a maximum size of 999 entries and an expiration time of 5 minutes - 300,000 milliseconds). It provides methods for creating custom cache instances, accessing a default UI cache, generating cache keys based on input objects and computing unique cache keys.
The Web3 service provides a way to interact with a Web3 wallet provider via Web3Modal
. It is useful in managing the connection between a Web3 application and various Ethereum-based wallets, signing messages, switching networks, retrieving the wallet address, and subscribing to provider and account changes.
constructor(logFactory: Logging, globalChannel: EventBus, config: AWF_Config)
logFactory (Logging)
: Logger to log events, warnings, and errors for debugging and monitoring.globalChannel (EventBus)
: Global event bus for handling app-wide events..config (AWF_Config)
: Configuration object for accessing various configuration options.
Attempts to establish a connection to a Web3 wallet using Web3Modal. If already connected, it immediately returns the current connection state.
connect(): Promise<{ connected: boolean; unsubscribe?: () => void }>
Returns: A promise that resolves to an object containing:
connected (boolean)
: Whether the wallet is successfully connected.unsubscribe (function, optional)
: An optional function that can be used to unsubscribe from provider changes.
This method allows setting the order of connection methods for Web3Modal. It configures which connection options are presented to the user.
setConnectionFeatures(connectionFeatures: ConnectMethod[] = ['wallet'])
connectionFeatures (ConnectMethod[])
: An array specifying the order of connection methods to display in Web3Modal. Defaults to ['wallet'].
Updates the options of the Web3Modal instance, allowing one to modify the configuration (such as theme or privacy policy URLs).
updateModalOptions(config: Partial<OptionsControllerState>)
config (Partial<OptionsControllerState>)
: An object containing the options to update.
Sets a custom Web3Modal instance for the Web3Connector.
setModalInstance(w3modal: AppKit)
w3modal (AppKit)
: The Web3Modal instance to be set.
Returns the current theme of the Web3Modal instance (either light
or dark
getCurrentTheme(): string
Returns: A string representing the current theme.
Toggles the Web3Modal theme between light
and dark
toggleDarkTheme(enable?: boolean)
enable (boolean, optional)
: If true, forces the dark theme to be enabled.
Disconnects the Web3 provider and resets the Web3 instance and provider type to null
disconnect(): Promise<void>
Returns: A promise that resolves when the disconnection from Web3 provider is complete.
Signs a human-readable message using the current wallet provider. It uses personal_sign
for message signing.
signMessage(message: string)
message (string)
: The message to be signed.
Returns: A promise that resolves to the signed message.
Resolves an Ethereum address to an ENS name if available.
lookupAddress(address: string): Promise<{ ens: string | null }>
address (string)
: The Ethereum address to resolve.
Returns: A promise that resolves to an object containing:
ens (string | null)
: The ENS name if found, ornull
if no ENS name exists for the address.
Returns the network configuration for the required Ethereum network (currently set to sepolia
Returns: The network configuration as an object with name and chainId.
Switches the Web3 provider to the required Ethereum network (currently set to sepolia
Returns: A promise that resolves when the network switch is successful.
Checks if the current Web3 provider is connected to the required network. Throws an error if not connected to the required network.
Returns: A promise that resolves if the network matches.