AKASHA Core Development Quickstart
This tutorial will guide you on how to install and setup the akasha-core repository. If you want to develop an app we recommend the extension devkit.
This guide assumes that you are using Linux or MacOS. For Windows, please use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
This project runs on a specific version of yarn - @4.1.1. If you are already on this version of yarn, and your node version meets the minimum requirement, you may skip to the Getting Started section.
Install/Update required packages
If you are using different versions of node and yarn, consider using nvm and corepack respectively to handle the versions on your computer.
If you already have nvm, please skip to next step. If you do not already have nvm installed, you can follow a more detailed instructions here on nvm github repo.
Once you have installed and verified your nvm installation, you can now install the specified versions of
If you are already on the minimum node version (v20.9.0), you may skip to step 5
- Run
nvm install 21.7.1
to install the specified version - 21.7.1 andnvm use 21.7.1
to use this installed version.
For the purpose of this documentation, we are using node version 21.7.1, however you may replace this with any version that meets the minimum node version, as specified above.
- Verify the currently active node installation on your nvm by running
nvm which node
. You should see value like{user_path}/.nvm/versions/node/v21.7.1/bin/node
corepack should already be installed globally, verify this with
npm list -g
Enable corepack using
corepack enable
Add the specific version of yarn using
corepack install -g [email protected]
. For more details, check the yarn docs
Note: Yarn will be installed globally so make sure it doesn't affect other projects which require a different version of yarn. By using nvm, each node version you install will have it's own global packages so you can change to different versions of yarn.
- Restart your terminal and verify you are on the correct versions of node and yarn
Set Up a Local Ceramic Node
1. Follow this ComposeDB's guide that shows you how to install and configure relevant packages for running a Ceramic node locally.
2. Verify that you have everything set up correctly
$ npx @ceramicnetwork/cli daemon
in your Terminal and if you see the following message
$ IMPORTANT: Ceramic API running on'
you have successfully set up your local Ceramic node 🚀.
In the future, we will provide a public node for Ceramic connection and this step will no longer be needed.
Clone and Install Project locally
1. Fork the repository on GitHub
2. Clone the newly forked repository to your local machine.
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/akasha-core.git
3. Change directory to repository's root
$ cd akasha-core
4. Set up env values
Create a new file .env
at the root of the project with the contents of env.example.
Follow the comments from the example env file on how to fill in the values.
5. Install dependencies and build the application
$ yarn build:all
If you encounter errors please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this documentation
Running the application
From the root directory run:
$ yarn world:dev
Visit https://localhost:8131/
on your browser.
We are using a self-signed certificate for localhost. You will need to accept the certificate in your browser.
Congrats! You're ready to start developing.
Before diving into creating simple app, let's learn more about extensions. Once you're ready, you can start by building a super simple app